Stone Dissolve & Arthritis Herbal Tea, 3 oz.

Stone Dissolve & Arthritis Herbal Tea, 3 oz.



Renal (kidney) stones are composed of carbonates and calcium. The action of sodium ions tends to liquefy Calcium, Kidney Stones, Gallstones, Arthritis, Gout, pain in the kidneys and bladder, Cystitis, etc.**


Marshmallow Rt., Hydrangea Rt., Queen of the Meadow Rt., Parsley Leaf, Irish Moss & Bladderwrack (Kelp), and Stevia.



**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


For general use: Consider 1-2 cups per day apart from one another, as needed for 30 days or more. Do only 1 cup for at least the 1st day. 

For chronic problems: Consider working up to 2, 3 and even 4 cups per day as needed. Consider 90 days or longer.

(After you serve your cup) you can always dilute with more water if tea is too strong or too sweet.

It is best to drink 30 minutes to 1 hour before meals.

Helpful things to know :  The suggested ( best ) water if available, is #1.. Distilled, #2 Reverse Osmosis, or #3 Spring water.

Making 2 cups or more at a time will give more flavor. Strain well if saving tea for later.  Refrigerate in a glass jar with lid, can be kept for up to 48 hrs.

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