Blueberry Cardamom Sauce


  • ½ Tbsp. vanilla

  • Pinch of salt

  • 3 Tbsp. cornstarch                                       

  •   ½ tsp. of coriander                             

  • ¼ tsp. cardamom

  • 4 cups of frozen blueberries

  • 6 oz. of apple juice concentrate    

  • 1 cup water                


  1. Place juice, water, vanilla, coriander, cardamom, salt and cornstarch in a sauce pan and mix well until cornstarch is well dissolved. 

  2. Keep stirring and bring to a boil on high
    heat; stirring briskly will prevent lumps from forming.

  3.   Add frozen blueberries and mix well.  Let simmer for 20-30 minutes.

  4. Blueberry sauce can be added to waffles, pancakes, breakfast grain dish, muffins, toast or vanilla ice cream

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